1先选定数字2通过鼠标在对应位置单击 3清除键可以擦除错误数字,也可以直接覆盖数字 4按确认题目输入完毕,计算机进行筛选 5计算机不能把所有数字填完时,可以通过人工填数 6当且仅当,所有位上都只有一个数字时。数独完成。
-A first select the number two position in the corresponding mouse click 3 Clear key to erase the wrong number, you can directly press number 4 cover topics input is completed, the computer screening five computers can not fill out all the numbers, you can by hand fill in the number 6 if and only if, all have only one position on the figures. Sudoku is completed.
-A first select the number two position in the corresponding mouse click 3 Clear key to erase the wrong number, you can directly press number 4 cover topics input is completed, the computer screening five computers can not fill out all the numbers, you can by hand fill in the number 6 if and only if, all have only one position on the figures. Sudoku is completed.