随着计算机网络和Internet的发展,宽带VOD视频点播技术因其交互式功能和流媒体传输技术已倍受教育、娱乐等行业青睐。论文结合NT平台开发实例阐述了基于WEB的实时VOD系统的协议原理、软件结构和设计实现方案,以便由基于IP的大规模多媒体点播系统的设计提供参考。-With the development of computer networks and the Internet, broadband VOD video on demand technology because of its interactive features and streaming media transmission technology has been much education, entertainment and other industries favor. Paper combines the NT platform development instance elaborated WEB-based real-time VOD system protocol principles, software architecture and design implementations for the large-scale IP-based multimedia-on-demand system is designed to provide a reference.
Design and Implementation of Interactive VOD System.pdf