2012-4-2 重新整理分类,使其更美观。
2012-4-2 修正小部份城市天气预报问题。
2012-4-18 修正163邮箱不安全登陆的提示。
2012-5-7 修正天气预报不能自动定位的问题。
2012-5-27 解决天气预报选择城市问题。
2012-6-1 增加《实时热点》版块。
2012-8-26 增加二行名站图标,名站醒目展示。
2012-8-26 左侧调整热点新闻、增加热门影视。
2012-8-26 增加电影频道、电视剧频道在线观看。
2012-9-5 修正IE8顶部错位问题。
-2012-4-2 refresh classification, to make it more beautiful.
2012-4-2 small part of the city weather the problem corrected.
2012-4-18 fix unsafe landing 163 E-mail tips.
2012-5-7 Fixed weather forecast does not automatically locate the problem.
2012-5-27 solve urban problems Forecast choice.
2012-6-1 increase the "real interest" section.
2012-8-26 increased two-line name station icon, name stand eye-catching display.
2012-8-26 left to adjust hot news, increasing popular TV.
2012-8-26 increase movie channels, TV channels online viewing.
2012-9-5 Fixed IE8 top dislocation problem.
2012-4-2 重新整理分类,使其更美观。
2012-4-2 修正小部份城市天气预报问题。
2012-4-18 修正163邮箱不安全登陆的提示。
2012-5-7 修正天气预报不能自动定位的问题。
2012-5-27 解决天气预报选择城市问题。
2012-6-1 增加《实时热点》版块。
2012-8-26 增加二行名站图标,名站醒目展示。
2012-8-26 左侧调整热点新闻、增加热门影视。
2012-8-26 增加电影频道、电视剧频道在线观看。
2012-9-5 修正IE8顶部错位问题。
-2012-4-2 refresh classification, to make it more beautiful.
2012-4-2 small part of the city weather the problem corrected.
2012-4-18 fix unsafe landing 163 E-mail tips.
2012-5-7 Fixed weather forecast does not automatically locate the problem.
2012-5-27 solve urban problems Forecast choice.
2012-6-1 increase the "real interest" section.
2012-8-26 increased two-line name station icon, name stand eye-catching display.
2012-8-26 left to adjust hot news, increasing popular TV.
2012-8-26 increase movie channels, TV channels online viewing.
2012-9-5 Fixed IE8 top dislocation problem.