- 所属分类:
- 图形图像处理(光照,映射..)
- 资源属性:
- [WORD]
- 上传时间:
- 2013-06-20
- 文件大小:
- 5kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- 宁*
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
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运用matlab对图像进行放大:像素复制法和双线性插值法。像素复制方法的图像缩放的原理主要是对原来输入图像的整行或是整列像素进行简单的复制与删除,达到改变图像大小的目的。双线性插值放大算法中,目标图像中新创造的象素值,是由原图像位置在它附近的小区域象素的值通过加权平均计算得出的。-Write MATLAB function to zoom a grayscale image from original size to the given output
size through two different methods: a) pixel repetition and b) bilinear interpolation.
Zoom the images processed in the Task 2 back to the original size using above mentioned
Calculate MSE and PSNR for the original and zoomed images using MATLAB methods
written for the Task 1. Plot the MSE and PSNR as function of the size reduction ratio
Define what combination of shrink/zoom methods provides the minimal MSE and maximal
PSNR for the same size reduction ratio.
size through two different methods: a) pixel repetition and b) bilinear interpolation.
Zoom the images processed in the Task 2 back to the original size using above mentioned
Calculate MSE and PSNR for the original and zoomed images using MATLAB methods
written for the Task 1. Plot the MSE and PSNR as function of the size reduction ratio
Define what combination of shrink/zoom methods provides the minimal MSE and maximal
PSNR for the same size reduction ratio.