目前,Internet服务大体可以分为信息服务、商务服务、合作服务等,而就业求职网系统就是Internet服务中的一员,它使很多人不必去拥挤的招聘会就能找到理想的工作。吉林化工学院大学生求职信息网系统是基于目前流行的JSP技术实现与规划的,采用JSP+JavaBean的开发模式,以Microsoft SQL Server 2005 作为后台数据库的开发工具。-Today the Internet service can be divided into the information service, business service, cooperating service and so on. The website which gets employed and seeks employment is one of the services that can make so many people found jobs, and don’t join crowded Employment advertise meeting.Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology Students Job Information Network according to currently popular technique of JSP implementation and planning, adopting JSP+JavaBean development mode, with the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 be the backstage database development tool.
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