一 JNI重难点分析
1.1 注册方法的选择
1.2 垃圾回收
二 init重难点分析
2.1 keywords.h的有趣用法
2.2 用好“DllMain函数”——客户端Property读取的实现
三 Android常用类重难点分析
3.1 RefBase、sp和wp
3.2 题外话——无所不用其极
四 Binder重难点分析
4.1 时空穿越魔术揭秘
4.2 Binder和线程的关系
五 Audio系统重难点分析
5.1 AudioTrack & 方法论
5.2 AudioFlinger中的对象
5.3 AudioPolicyService实例
5.4 audio_control_block_t分析
5.5 学习并实践Desktop Check
六 Surface系统重难点分析
6.1 来之不易的Activity
6.2 乾坤大挪移——如何与SurfaceFlinger建立联系?
6.3 生产者和消费者之间的纽带
6.4 SurfaceFlinger的工作流程分析
6.5 Transaction分析
6.6 CameraService中的严重bug
6.7 PageFlip过程分析-A JNI heavy and difficult to analyze the choice of methods 1.2 1.1 Registered garbage collection two heavy and difficult to analyze init interesting usage 2.2 2.1 keywords.h good use " DllMain function" - read client Property type commonly used to achieve three important difficulties in analyzing Android 3.1 RefBase , sp and wp 3.2 Digression- doing their utmost four Binder space through heavy and difficult to analyze 4.1 4.2 Binder and thread Magic Secret Relationship Difficulties five Audio system weighs 5.1 AudioTrack & Methodology 5.2 AudioFlinger instance of the object 5.3 AudioPolicyService 5.4 audio_control_block_t learn and practice analysis 5.5 Desktop Check six Surface system weighs 6.1 Difficulties hard-earned Activity 6.2 Qian Kun Da Nuo- how to establish contact with SurfaceFlinger? 6.3 The link between producers and consumers 6.4 SurfaceFlinger workflow analysis 6.5 Transaction Analysis 6.6 CameraService of serious bug 6.7 PageFlip process analysis
1.1 注册方法的选择
1.2 垃圾回收
二 init重难点分析
2.1 keywords.h的有趣用法
2.2 用好“DllMain函数”——客户端Property读取的实现
三 Android常用类重难点分析
3.1 RefBase、sp和wp
3.2 题外话——无所不用其极
四 Binder重难点分析
4.1 时空穿越魔术揭秘
4.2 Binder和线程的关系
五 Audio系统重难点分析
5.1 AudioTrack & 方法论
5.2 AudioFlinger中的对象
5.3 AudioPolicyService实例
5.4 audio_control_block_t分析
5.5 学习并实践Desktop Check
六 Surface系统重难点分析
6.1 来之不易的Activity
6.2 乾坤大挪移——如何与SurfaceFlinger建立联系?
6.3 生产者和消费者之间的纽带
6.4 SurfaceFlinger的工作流程分析
6.5 Transaction分析
6.6 CameraService中的严重bug
6.7 PageFlip过程分析-A JNI heavy and difficult to analyze the choice of methods 1.2 1.1 Registered garbage collection two heavy and difficult to analyze init interesting usage 2.2 2.1 keywords.h good use " DllMain function" - read client Property type commonly used to achieve three important difficulties in analyzing Android 3.1 RefBase , sp and wp 3.2 Digression- doing their utmost four Binder space through heavy and difficult to analyze 4.1 4.2 Binder and thread Magic Secret Relationship Difficulties five Audio system weighs 5.1 AudioTrack & Methodology 5.2 AudioFlinger instance of the object 5.3 AudioPolicyService 5.4 audio_control_block_t learn and practice analysis 5.5 Desktop Check six Surface system weighs 6.1 Difficulties hard-earned Activity 6.2 Qian Kun Da Nuo- how to establish contact with SurfaceFlinger? 6.3 The link between producers and consumers 6.4 SurfaceFlinger workflow analysis 6.5 Transaction Analysis 6.6 CameraService of serious bug 6.7 PageFlip process analysis
Android Framework.ppt