1. CSS 的引入和基本选择器应用;
2. 利用CSS 对网页进行控制;
3. 利用W3school 网站进行CSS 的练习。
4. 用CSS 完成常见的几种网页布局形式的练习;
5. 使用Div+CSS,完成“实习二”中“index.htm”页面的布局;
6. 在多种浏览器上对网页测试。
-1. CSS selector introduction and basic application 2 pages with CSS for control 3. Use W3school site CSS exercises. 4 complete with CSS page layout several common forms of exercise 5. Use Div+CSS, complete the " Practice II" and " index.htm" page layout 6 in a variety of web browsers tested.
2. 利用CSS 对网页进行控制;
3. 利用W3school 网站进行CSS 的练习。
4. 用CSS 完成常见的几种网页布局形式的练习;
5. 使用Div+CSS,完成“实习二”中“index.htm”页面的布局;
6. 在多种浏览器上对网页测试。
-1. CSS selector introduction and basic application 2 pages with CSS for control 3. Use W3school site CSS exercises. 4 complete with CSS page layout several common forms of exercise 5. Use Div+CSS, complete the " Practice II" and " index.htm" page layout 6 in a variety of web browsers tested.