频率切换时间短、工作频率范围宽、频率分辨率高、相位变化连续和容易对输出信号实现调制等。一些公司先后推出了各种各样的DDS专用芯片,这些DDS专用芯片为电路设计提供了很大方便,但是并不能满足所有要求。例如,在实现调频及调幅等复杂功能时,利用现有专用芯片就会很不方便。利用可编程逻辑器件或现场可编程门阵列实现具有很大的灵活性,能够很好地满足电路设计要求。 -Frequency switching time is short, the operating frequency range, high frequency resolution, phase changes continuously and easy to achieve modulation of the output signal. Some companies have introduced a variety of DDS dedicated chip, these dedicated DDS chip circuit design provides great convenience, but does not meet all the requirements. For example, in the realization of complex functions such as FM and AM, the use of existing ASIC will be very convenient. The use of programmable logic devices, or field programmable gate array implementation has great flexibility, can well meet the circuit design requirements.
DDS .pdf