本文论述了建设一个简单的工具,它可以用来确定和评估路径在一个XML文档,测试查询这些路径。该应用程序允许用户打开一个XML文档转换成一个树状视图控件,以便查看结构 用户可以右键单击任何节点在树状视图来公开一个上下文菜单,将允许用户复制当前路径,节点。用户可以打开一个测试窗口并粘贴复制路径进入一个表达式文本框。一旦路径被粘贴到文本框,用户可以直接测试路径,或者可能编辑路径和测试编辑。-This paper discusses the construction of a simple tool that can be used to identify and assess the path in an XML document, test query these paths. The application allows the user to open an XML document into a tree view control in order to see the structure Users can right-click any node in the tree view to open a context menu that will allow users to copy the current path node. Users can open a test window and paste the copied path expression into a text box. Once the path is pasted into a text box, the user can directly test the path, or you may edit the path and test editing.