This code estimates the intrinsic dimension of a dataset. It
calculates three estimates. The estimator by the authors which was
proposed in
M. Hein, J-Y. Audibert
Intrinsic dimensionality estimation of submanifolds in Euclidean space
Proceedings of the 22nd ICML, 289-296, Eds. L. de Raedt and S. Wrobel, 2005
and two classical estimators: the correlation dimension and the Takens estimator
(see the paper for references).
Two possible implementations are available. The first one is C-Code and the other
one is a mex-file for the usage in MATLAB.
The usage of this code is allowed for scientific purposes. If you use this code
please cite the above paper.
calculates three estimates. The estimator by the authors which was
proposed in
M. Hein, J-Y. Audibert
Intrinsic dimensionality estimation of submanifolds in Euclidean space
Proceedings of the 22nd ICML, 289-296, Eds. L. de Raedt and S. Wrobel, 2005
and two classical estimators: the correlation dimension and the Takens estimator
(see the paper for references).
Two possible implementations are available. The first one is C-Code and the other
one is a mex-file for the usage in MATLAB.
The usage of this code is allowed for scientific purposes. If you use this code
please cite the above paper.