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. E8、E9: 可到达1~~39层。

2.2 每部电梯的最大乘员量均为K人(K值可以根据仿真情况在10—20 人之间确定)。

2.3 仿真开始时,各电梯随机处于起符合运行规则的任意一层,为空梯。

2.4 仿真开始后,有N人(1000>N)在M分钟(10>M)内随机地到达该国际贸易中心的一层,


2.5 每个人初次所要到的楼梯层是随机的,令其在合适的电梯处等待电梯的到来。

2.6 每个人乘坐的合适电梯到达指定楼层后,随机地停留10—120秒后,在随机地去往另一


2.7 电梯运行速度为S秒/层(S值可以根据仿真情况在1—5之间确定),每个人-. E8, E9: 1 to 39 layer can be reached. The maximum amount of the occupant of 2.2 per lifts are K (K value can be determined between 10-20) According to the simulation case. 2.3 simulation, elevator random in any operating rules from the floor, empty ladder. 2.4 After the start of the simulation, N (1000 N) M minute (10 M) to reach the floor of the International Trade Centre random start by ladder. 2.5 per person for the first time to go to the stairs layer is random, so that it waiting for the arrival of the elevator in the elevator. The 2.6 each person take the appropriate elevator to reach the designated floor, randomly stop after 10-120 seconds, randomly go to another floor, and so on, when everyone rode L (L value according to the simulation case 3- 10 OK) Elevator, L+1 down to the bottom and the end of the boarding behavior. To the end of all acts of the boarding, the end of the simulation. Elevator speed 2.7 sec/S layer (S-value can be determined between 1-5) According to the si






















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源码中国 www.ymcn.org