1. 设计一个Card类来表示单张扑克牌的逻辑模型。如下类图所示。
2. 设计一个Deck类用来表示一副52张的扑克牌,公有接口必须包括生成扑克牌、显示扑克牌、洗牌等这样的成员函数。
-1 Design a Card class to represent the logical model of the leaflets poker. The following class is shown in the figure below. Design a Deck class used to represent the deck of 52 playing cards, the public interface must include generating poker, cards, shuffle this member function.
2. 设计一个Deck类用来表示一副52张的扑克牌,公有接口必须包括生成扑克牌、显示扑克牌、洗牌等这样的成员函数。
-1 Design a Card class to represent the logical model of the leaflets poker. The following class is shown in the figure below. Design a Deck class used to represent the deck of 52 playing cards, the public interface must include generating poker, cards, shuffle this member function.