Descr iptor for simple shapes (e.g letters).
Computes the descr iptor twice in order to describe horizontally and vertically with the same accuracy.
Input: image (2-D, binary or gray)
depth of recursion (default 7),
plotFlag(if on - plot Illustration)
vec - descr iptor: Division locations, values around zero. Of length 2*(2^depth - 2)
(levels: the depth of the division locations.)- Descr iptor for simple shapes (e.g letters).
Computes the descr iptor twice in order to describe horizontally and vertically with the same accuracy.
Input: image (2-D, binary or gray)
depth of recursion (default 7),
plotFlag(if on - plot Illustration)
vec - descr iptor: Division locations, values around zero. Of length 2*(2^depth - 2)
(levels: the depth of the division locations.)
Computes the descr iptor twice in order to describe horizontally and vertically with the same accuracy.
Input: image (2-D, binary or gray)
depth of recursion (default 7),
plotFlag(if on - plot Illustration)
vec - descr iptor: Division locations, values around zero. Of length 2*(2^depth - 2)
(levels: the depth of the division locations.)- Descr iptor for simple shapes (e.g letters).
Computes the descr iptor twice in order to describe horizontally and vertically with the same accuracy.
Input: image (2-D, binary or gray)
depth of recursion (default 7),
plotFlag(if on - plot Illustration)
vec - descr iptor: Division locations, values around zero. Of length 2*(2^depth - 2)
(levels: the depth of the division locations.)