有台机器每次只能处理一个任务,所以n个任务需要排成一个队列等待处理。当处理一个任务时,其他任务都处于等待状态,总等待时间累加等待的任务个数乘以任务处理时间。每个任务的等待时间由一个正整数w表示,表示这个任务当前需要的时间为w,当处理完这个任务后,该任务完成,并产生一个时间为w-1的任务,并排到队列的末尾,当然,如果w-1等于0,则不会产生新任务。求对这n个任务进行排列后,所花费的最小总等待时间是多少-The machine can only handle one task, so the n tasks need to be arranged in a queue for processing. When processing a task, other tasks are in a wait state, the total number of tasks waiting wait time accumulation multiplied by the task processing time. The waiting time of each task is represented by a positive integer w, which means that this task the time required for the w, When finished processing this task after the task is completed, and generates a time W-1 of the tasks, side-by-side to the end of the queue Of course, if w-1 is equal to 0, then no new task. By seeking these n tasks Ordering, it takes a minimum total waiting time is the number of