-LCD 1602 is also called the 1602-character LCD, it is a specifically designed to display letters, numbers, symbols, etc., a dot matrix type liquid crystal module. It consists of several 5X7 or 5X11-bit dot matrix characters, each dot matrix characters can show a bit of character, a dot pitch of the interval between each interval between each line, played a character spacing and line spacing effect, as such so it can not display graphics (with custom CGRAM is, show the effect is not good).
-LCD 1602 is also called the 1602-character LCD, it is a specifically designed to display letters, numbers, symbols, etc., a dot matrix type liquid crystal module. It consists of several 5X7 or 5X11-bit dot matrix characters, each dot matrix characters can show a bit of character, a dot pitch of the interval between each interval between each line, played a character spacing and line spacing effect, as such so it can not display graphics (with custom CGRAM is, show the effect is not good).