1,某厂向用户提供发动机,合同规定,第一、二、三季度末分别交货40台、60台、80台.每季度的生产费用为 f=ax+bx^2(元),其中x是该季生产的台数.若交货后有剩余,可用于下季度交货,但需支付存储费,每台每季度c元.已知工厂每季度最大生产能力为100台,第一季度开始时无存货,设a=50、b=0.2、c=4,问工厂应如何安排生产计划,才能既满足合同又使总费用最低.
2,函数的输入为A,B两个矩阵,实现如下功能:从A矩阵中找出与B完全相同的子矩阵,并将该子矩阵左上角的位置保存到2*n的向量index中,最后函数返回A中所有与B完全相同的子矩阵的左上角坐标。-1, a factory to provide users with the engine, the provisions of the contract, first, second and third quarter, respectively Delivery 40 units, 60 units, 80 units. The production cost of each quarter the f = ax+bx ^ 2 ($), where x is the number of Taiwan-quarter production. If after delivery, the surplus can be used for delivery next quarter, but to pay the storage fees, each quarterly c. Factory known each quarter of the maximum production capacity of 100 units of stock in the first quarter, setting a = 50, b = 0.2, c = 4, asked how the factory should arrange production plan, in order to both meet the contract and the lowest total cost of . 2, the function' s input is the two matrices A, B, to achieve the following functions: to identify from the matrix A and B are identical sub-matrix, and a position in the upper-left corner of the sub-matrix is saved to the vector index of 2* n, The last function returns the coordinates of the upper left corner of the sub-matrices A
2,函数的输入为A,B两个矩阵,实现如下功能:从A矩阵中找出与B完全相同的子矩阵,并将该子矩阵左上角的位置保存到2*n的向量index中,最后函数返回A中所有与B完全相同的子矩阵的左上角坐标。-1, a factory to provide users with the engine, the provisions of the contract, first, second and third quarter, respectively Delivery 40 units, 60 units, 80 units. The production cost of each quarter the f = ax+bx ^ 2 ($), where x is the number of Taiwan-quarter production. If after delivery, the surplus can be used for delivery next quarter, but to pay the storage fees, each quarterly c. Factory known each quarter of the maximum production capacity of 100 units of stock in the first quarter, setting a = 50, b = 0.2, c = 4, asked how the factory should arrange production plan, in order to both meet the contract and the lowest total cost of . 2, the function' s input is the two matrices A, B, to achieve the following functions: to identify from the matrix A and B are identical sub-matrix, and a position in the upper-left corner of the sub-matrix is saved to the vector index of 2* n, The last function returns the coordinates of the upper left corner of the sub-matrices A