本课题设计的高速 ECC 算法协处理器用于满足大型认证服务器的高数据吞吐
量的需求。其中,ECC 算法芯片的吞吐率是解决服务器高数据吞吐量的关键。本
课题的主要研究任务是高速 ECC 算法协处理器的算法改进以及硬件实现。
-According to the requirement of the high data throughput of authorization service,
ECC public-key cryptosystems based high-speed ECC chip is an effective solution. In
which, the throughout of ECC chip plays an important role in ECC public-key
cryptosystems. To improve the throughout of ECC chip, the main research task of the
thesis is a high-speed hardware implementation of ECC algorithm.
量的需求。其中,ECC 算法芯片的吞吐率是解决服务器高数据吞吐量的关键。本
课题的主要研究任务是高速 ECC 算法协处理器的算法改进以及硬件实现。
-According to the requirement of the high data throughput of authorization service,
ECC public-key cryptosystems based high-speed ECC chip is an effective solution. In
which, the throughout of ECC chip plays an important role in ECC public-key
cryptosystems. To improve the throughout of ECC chip, the main research task of the
thesis is a high-speed hardware implementation of ECC algorithm.