FM调制和解调,matlab语言实现,可以改变fs,fc,ft - Fisher4Cast
Authors: Bruce A. Bassett, Yabebal Fantaye, Renee Hlozek and Jacques Kotze
The Fisher4Cast suite provides a standard, tested tool set for general Fisher Information matrix prediction and forecasting for use in both research and education. The toolbox design is robust and modular, allowing for easy additions and adaptation while keeping the user interface intuitive and easy to use. Fisher4Cast is completely general but the default code is written for cosmology. It provides parameter error forecasts for cosmological surveys that provide distance, Hubble expansion and growth measurements in a general, curved FLRW background. See the accompanying paper, http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.0993 , for further details and examples of novel applications in Observational Cosmology.
The release package contains documentation (Manual, Quickstart guide and sample code to produce figures) in addition to the code which can be run in both command line and GUI format (th
Authors: Bruce A. Bassett, Yabebal Fantaye, Renee Hlozek and Jacques Kotze
The Fisher4Cast suite provides a standard, tested tool set for general Fisher Information matrix prediction and forecasting for use in both research and education. The toolbox design is robust and modular, allowing for easy additions and adaptation while keeping the user interface intuitive and easy to use. Fisher4Cast is completely general but the default code is written for cosmology. It provides parameter error forecasts for cosmological surveys that provide distance, Hubble expansion and growth measurements in a general, curved FLRW background. See the accompanying paper, http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.0993 , for further details and examples of novel applications in Observational Cosmology.
The release package contains documentation (Manual, Quickstart guide and sample code to produce figures) in addition to the code which can be run in both command line and GUI format (th