数据库(有时拼成Database)也称为电子数据库,是指由计算机特别组织的用下快速查找和检索的任意的数据或信息集合。数据库与其它数据处理操作协同工作,其结构要有助于数据的存储、检索、修改和删除。数据库可存储在磁盘或磁带、光盘或某些辅助存储设备上。-The Database (sometimes spell Database) also known as the electronic database, the FATF use by the computer to quickly find and retrieve any data or information collection. Database and other data processing operations to work together, the structure to contribute to the data store, retrieve, modify, and delete. The database can be stored on disk or tape, CD-ROM or some secondary storage devices.
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