《人月神话》作者为人们管理复杂项目提供了颇具洞察力的见解,既有很多发人深省的观点,也有大量的软件工程实践。书中的内容来自布鲁克斯在IBM公司System 360家族和OS 360中的项目管理经验。初版的20年后,布鲁克斯重新审视了他原先的观点,增加了一些新的想法和建议。新增加的章节包括:原著中一些核心观点的精华;在经过了一个时代以后,Brooks博士对原先观点新的认识;1986年的经典文章《没有银弹》;对1986年所下论断(在10年内不会出现银弹)现在的认识。-Of people to manage complex projects to provide insightful insights not only a lot of thought-provoking perspective, there are a large number of software engineering practices. The content of the book from Brooks in IBM' s System 360 family and OS 360 project management experience. Was first published 20 years later, Brooks re-examine his original point of view, some new ideas and suggestions. New chapters include: the original some core views essence in an era, Brooks, Ph.D. a new understanding to the original point of view classic 1986 article " No Silver Bullet" 1986 years under the assertion (10 during the year does not appear the silver bullet) understanding.