STM32F10x Coocox COide sample project to initialize ST7565R on EADog 128x64 display.
works well from ST-VL-Discovery but you need to power the LCD with an external 3v3 supply as the ST-Eval on PCB regulator is not up to the task
Driven from 3v3 using built in capacitive charge pumps (external caps on LCD required).
it s an SPI interfaced LCD, nice LCD s
This code is for the inverted backlight (dots are clear instead of black) version
of the lcd but I think it will work straight away with the normal LCD (non inverted display).
Enjoy, I hope the code is useful.
PS!!! there is no characters and fonts included its enough to get the LCD on and get data to the screen, the rest is up to you.
PPS!!! Please ignore the CoOS code in the project, I have commented it out, you can delete it.
works well from ST-VL-Discovery but you need to power the LCD with an external 3v3 supply as the ST-Eval on PCB regulator is not up to the task
Driven from 3v3 using built in capacitive charge pumps (external caps on LCD required).
it s an SPI interfaced LCD, nice LCD s
This code is for the inverted backlight (dots are clear instead of black) version
of the lcd but I think it will work straight away with the normal LCD (non inverted display).
Enjoy, I hope the code is useful.
PS!!! there is no characters and fonts included its enough to get the LCD on and get data to the screen, the rest is up to you.
PPS!!! Please ignore the CoOS code in the project, I have commented it out, you can delete it.