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- 上传时间:
- 2013-03-04
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表4.1 为DS18B20有六条控制命令
指 令 约定代码 操 作 说 明
温度转换 44H 启动DS18B20进行温度转换
读暂存器 BEH 读暂存器9位二进制数字
写暂存器 4EH 将数据写入暂存器的TH、TL字节
复制暂存器 48H 把暂存器的TH、TL字节写到E2RAM中
重新调E2RAM B8H 把E2RAM中的TH、TL字节写到暂存器TH、TL字节
读电源供电方式 B4H 启动DS18B20发送电源供电方式的信号给主CPU
-DS18B20 control method DS18B20 six control commands, as shown in Table 4.1: Table 4.1 DS18B20 six control commands instructions convention code instructions the temperature conversion 44H start DS18B20 temperature conversion Read Scratchpad the BEH read register 9 binary digits writethe register 4EH the data written to the scratchpad TH, TL-byte copy registers 48H to register TH the the TL byte write E2RAM in re-tune the TH E2RAM B8H the E2RAM, TL byte writeto scratchpad TH, TL-byte read supply way B4H start DS18B20 send supply a signal to the main CPU
表4.1 为DS18B20有六条控制命令
指 令 约定代码 操 作 说 明
温度转换 44H 启动DS18B20进行温度转换
读暂存器 BEH 读暂存器9位二进制数字
写暂存器 4EH 将数据写入暂存器的TH、TL字节
复制暂存器 48H 把暂存器的TH、TL字节写到E2RAM中
重新调E2RAM B8H 把E2RAM中的TH、TL字节写到暂存器TH、TL字节
读电源供电方式 B4H 启动DS18B20发送电源供电方式的信号给主CPU
-DS18B20 control method DS18B20 six control commands, as shown in Table 4.1: Table 4.1 DS18B20 six control commands instructions convention code instructions the temperature conversion 44H start DS18B20 temperature conversion Read Scratchpad the BEH read register 9 binary digits writethe register 4EH the data written to the scratchpad TH, TL-byte copy registers 48H to register TH the the TL byte write E2RAM in re-tune the TH E2RAM B8H the E2RAM, TL byte writeto scratchpad TH, TL-byte read supply way B4H start DS18B20 send supply a signal to the main CPU
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