对于具体实验时,通常不是先给出函数的解析式,再进行实验,而是通过实验的观察和测量给出离散的一些点,再来求出具体的函数解析式。又因为测量误差的存在,实际真实的解析式曲线并不一定通过测量给出的所有点。最小二乘法是求解这一问题的很好的方法,本实验运用这一方法实现对给定数据的拟合。-For specific experiments, usually not first given function analytic formula, and then experiment but given by the experimental observation and measurement of a number of discrete points, and come back to find the specific function analytic formula. And because the presence of measurement error, the actual real analytic curve does not necessarily pass through all points of measurement given. The least squares method is a good way of solving this problem, the experimental use of this method of fitting the given data.