Recent approaches for protecting information in data out-
sourcing scenarios exploit the combined use of access control
and cryptography. In this context, the number of keys to be
distributed and managed by users can be maintained limited
by using a public catalog of tokens that allow key derivation
along a hierarchy. However, the public token catalog, by
expressing the key derivation relationships, may leak infor-
mation on the security policies (authorizations) enforced by
the system, which the data owner may instead wish to main-
tain con¯ dential.
sourcing scenarios exploit the combined use of access control
and cryptography. In this context, the number of keys to be
distributed and managed by users can be maintained limited
by using a public catalog of tokens that allow key derivation
along a hierarchy. However, the public token catalog, by
expressing the key derivation relationships, may leak infor-
mation on the security policies (authorizations) enforced by
the system, which the data owner may instead wish to main-
tain con¯ dential.