(1)设计Person类,要求具有用于表示姓名的保护数据成员:string szName; 实现信息打印的公有成员函数:void Print()。其中,Print函数设计为虚函数,输出的信息格式为:“Person 姓名”。
(2)从Person类派生Student类,添加用于表示学号的保护数据成员:int iNumber;重定义用于信息打印的公有成员函数:void Print()。其中,Print函数输出的信息格式为:“Student 姓名 学号”。
(3)从 Person类派生Teacher类,添加用于表示教龄的保护数据成员:int iYear;重定义用于信息打印的公有成员函数:void Print()。其中,Print函数输出的信息格式为:“Teacher 姓名 教龄”。
(4)从Student类派生Graduate类,添加用于表示研究方向的保护数据成员:string szResearch;重定义用于信息打印的公有成员函数:void Print()。其中,Print函数输出的信息格式为:“Graduate 姓名 研究方向”。
-(1) Design Person class requirements used to indicate the name of protecting data members: string szName public member function print information: void Print (). Print function designed for virtual function output format: " Person Name. (2) Student class derived from the Person class, add is used to represent the protected data members of the student number: int iNumber the information Print redefine public member functions: void Print (). Print function to output the information format: Student Name Student number. (3) Teacher classes derived from the Person class and add teaching experience is used to represent the protected data members: int iYear the information Print redefine public member functions: void Print (). Print function to output the information format: " Teacher Name seniority" . (4) derived from the Student class Graduate class, to add research direction is used to represent a member of the protected data: string szResearch the information Print redefin
(2)从Person类派生Student类,添加用于表示学号的保护数据成员:int iNumber;重定义用于信息打印的公有成员函数:void Print()。其中,Print函数输出的信息格式为:“Student 姓名 学号”。
(3)从 Person类派生Teacher类,添加用于表示教龄的保护数据成员:int iYear;重定义用于信息打印的公有成员函数:void Print()。其中,Print函数输出的信息格式为:“Teacher 姓名 教龄”。
(4)从Student类派生Graduate类,添加用于表示研究方向的保护数据成员:string szResearch;重定义用于信息打印的公有成员函数:void Print()。其中,Print函数输出的信息格式为:“Graduate 姓名 研究方向”。
-(1) Design Person class requirements used to indicate the name of protecting data members: string szName public member function print information: void Print (). Print function designed for virtual function output format: " Person Name. (2) Student class derived from the Person class, add is used to represent the protected data members of the student number: int iNumber the information Print redefine public member functions: void Print (). Print function to output the information format: Student Name Student number. (3) Teacher classes derived from the Person class and add teaching experience is used to represent the protected data members: int iYear the information Print redefine public member functions: void Print (). Print function to output the information format: " Teacher Name seniority" . (4) derived from the Student class Graduate class, to add research direction is used to represent a member of the protected data: string szResearch the information Print redefin