LZ算法的实现,是项目中的一部分(这里给出的是最基本的功能,所以没有版权问题),自己理解后完成的,用了3周时间实现最基本的功能,非常便于理解。当数据量较小的时候,压缩后的数据量可能会增大;大数据压缩会减小数据。经过测试,word文档、bmp/jpg图像压缩解压都没有问题。纯C代码,linux和windows下都可编译运行,LZ algorithm, is part of the project (given here is the most basic function, so there is no copyright issues) own understanding, with three weeks to achieve the most basic functions, very easy to understand. When the amount of data is smaller, the amount of data after compression may be increased large data compression reducing data. After testing, word documents, bmp/ jpg image compression decompression are no problem. Pure C code, linux and windows can be compiled to run under