等间距线性阵列,阵元数M=8,阵元间距d= λ /2,等幅加权,目标方位φr =0°。产生空间白噪声矢量(复高斯分布)。
设阵列信号矢量元素s(m)=exp[j mψr],其信号幅度为1,该阵元接收机附加的高斯噪声为n(m)=nmr+jnmi,其中实虚部均为独立同分布N(0, σ2)的高斯随机数,则该通道合成信号x(m)=s(m) + n(m),其中信噪比为:
SNR = 10 lg[1/(2σ2)] = – 3 – 10 lg(σ2) (dB)
-The spacing of the linear array, and the array element number M = 8, the array element spacing d = λ/2, equal amplitude weighted target azimuth φR = 0. Space generated white noise vector (complex Gaussian distribution). Let array signal vector elements s (m) = exp [j mψr], the signal amplitude, the element receiver additional Gaussian noise n (m) = nmr+jnmi which the real and imaginary parts are independent and identically distributed N ( Gaussian random numbers of 0, σ2), the channel the synthesis signal x (m) = s (m) the PPLS n (m), where SNR is: SNR = 10 lg [1/(2σ2)] =- 3- 10 lg (σ2) (dB)
设阵列信号矢量元素s(m)=exp[j mψr],其信号幅度为1,该阵元接收机附加的高斯噪声为n(m)=nmr+jnmi,其中实虚部均为独立同分布N(0, σ2)的高斯随机数,则该通道合成信号x(m)=s(m) + n(m),其中信噪比为:
SNR = 10 lg[1/(2σ2)] = – 3 – 10 lg(σ2) (dB)
-The spacing of the linear array, and the array element number M = 8, the array element spacing d = λ/2, equal amplitude weighted target azimuth φR = 0. Space generated white noise vector (complex Gaussian distribution). Let array signal vector elements s (m) = exp [j mψr], the signal amplitude, the element receiver additional Gaussian noise n (m) = nmr+jnmi which the real and imaginary parts are independent and identically distributed N ( Gaussian random numbers of 0, σ2), the channel the synthesis signal x (m) = s (m) the PPLS n (m), where SNR is: SNR = 10 lg [1/(2σ2)] =- 3- 10 lg (σ2) (dB)
Changes in the signal to noise ratio.doc