Daddy s File Host v1.1是一个自由开放源码文件和图像存取的脚本。它是仿照许多流行如Rapidshare和互联星空免费的主机。这是很容易建立,不需要一个MySQL数据库!
- 对图像和文件上传进度条
- 获取链接,下载和删除可共享
- 额外统计显示在下载页面。
- 查看列表上传文件(如由管理员启用)
- 文件说明(如由管理员启用)
- 密码保护(如由管理员启用)
-Catogeries(如由管理员启用)-Daddy s File Host v1.1 is a free open source files and image access scr ipt. It is modeled on many popular such as Rapidshare and interconnection sky free hosting. It is very easy to set up, don t need a MySQL database!
Function user features:
- upload multiple files and image
- the image and file upload progress bar
- the file on the server upload
- email link to yourself or friends (such as the administrator enable)
- get links, download and delete can be Shared
- report file links, in violation of the terms of service
- additional statistics show that in the download page.
- check list to upload files (such as the administrator enable)
- file specification (such as the administrator enable)
- password protection (such as the administrator enable)
- Catogeries (such as the administrator enable)
- 对图像和文件上传进度条
- 获取链接,下载和删除可共享
- 额外统计显示在下载页面。
- 查看列表上传文件(如由管理员启用)
- 文件说明(如由管理员启用)
- 密码保护(如由管理员启用)
-Catogeries(如由管理员启用)-Daddy s File Host v1.1 is a free open source files and image access scr ipt. It is modeled on many popular such as Rapidshare and interconnection sky free hosting. It is very easy to set up, don t need a MySQL database!
Function user features:
- upload multiple files and image
- the image and file upload progress bar
- the file on the server upload
- email link to yourself or friends (such as the administrator enable)
- get links, download and delete can be Shared
- report file links, in violation of the terms of service
- additional statistics show that in the download page.
- check list to upload files (such as the administrator enable)
- file specification (such as the administrator enable)
- password protection (such as the administrator enable)
- Catogeries (such as the administrator enable)