基于单目相机和激光测距仪, 文章提出从一幅图像中识别出非合作目标物体上的矩形面,并提取出 4
个顶点坐标的特征提取方法,为位姿的测量提供必要的信息 提出以激光点为参考, 距离激光点最近的 4 条边
界为矩形面边界的判定准则,并根据激光点到直线的垂足和边界端点约束排除干扰线段 该方法能有效地判
定出矩形面且顶点定位准确,在空间机器人视觉伺服控制半物理仿真系统上得到了验证。-An approach to identi fying the rectangular plane of the object w i thout markers and extracting i t s ape-
xes which are needed for pose measurement from an image is proposed in this paper. A cri terion is put forw ard
that the edges w hich have the minimum distances around the laser point are regarded as the edges of the rec-
tangular plane, and the interferent ial lines are eliminated according to the pedal between the laser point and
the edge and two endpoints of the edge. The validity of the method is verified by experiments performed on a
sem- i physical simulation system for visua- l serving cont rol of space robot s.
个顶点坐标的特征提取方法,为位姿的测量提供必要的信息 提出以激光点为参考, 距离激光点最近的 4 条边
界为矩形面边界的判定准则,并根据激光点到直线的垂足和边界端点约束排除干扰线段 该方法能有效地判
定出矩形面且顶点定位准确,在空间机器人视觉伺服控制半物理仿真系统上得到了验证。-An approach to identi fying the rectangular plane of the object w i thout markers and extracting i t s ape-
xes which are needed for pose measurement from an image is proposed in this paper. A cri terion is put forw ard
that the edges w hich have the minimum distances around the laser point are regarded as the edges of the rec-
tangular plane, and the interferent ial lines are eliminated according to the pedal between the laser point and
the edge and two endpoints of the edge. The validity of the method is verified by experiments performed on a
sem- i physical simulation system for visua- l serving cont rol of space robot s.