传统Snake 模型存在的缺点是, 其初始轮廓必须靠近图像中感兴趣目标的真实边缘,否则会得到错误结
果,且由于Snake 模型的非凸性,结果不能进入感兴趣目标的深凹部分,很容易陷入局部极小点. 由此该文提出一
廓点与假轮廓点的判别标准. 建立了由曲线能量到最终结果的有效方法,避免了Snake 陷入局部极小点. 实验结果
表明,该模型具有较大的捕获区域,能够进入感兴趣目标的深凹部分,准确提取感兴趣目标的轮廓. 与GVFSnake
模型相比, 该模型具有很小的计算量.-The t raditional snake initial contour should be close to the t rue boundary of interested ob2
ject in an image , or else it would converge to the wrong result . Next , active contours have difficulties
progressing into boundary concavities. Moreover , the t raditional snake and it s almost kinds of im2
proved methods are easy to get into local minimum because snake models are non2convex. An active
contour model based on force field analysis , namely FFASnake model , is presented in this paper.
Based on analyzing force dist ribution rules of distance potential force field , a standard is int roduced
here to distinguish the false one f rom contour point s.
果,且由于Snake 模型的非凸性,结果不能进入感兴趣目标的深凹部分,很容易陷入局部极小点. 由此该文提出一
廓点与假轮廓点的判别标准. 建立了由曲线能量到最终结果的有效方法,避免了Snake 陷入局部极小点. 实验结果
表明,该模型具有较大的捕获区域,能够进入感兴趣目标的深凹部分,准确提取感兴趣目标的轮廓. 与GVFSnake
模型相比, 该模型具有很小的计算量.-The t raditional snake initial contour should be close to the t rue boundary of interested ob2
ject in an image , or else it would converge to the wrong result . Next , active contours have difficulties
progressing into boundary concavities. Moreover , the t raditional snake and it s almost kinds of im2
proved methods are easy to get into local minimum because snake models are non2convex. An active
contour model based on force field analysis , namely FFASnake model , is presented in this paper.
Based on analyzing force dist ribution rules of distance potential force field , a standard is int roduced
here to distinguish the false one f rom contour point s.