汇编 求2的n次方
include irvine32.inc
IsZero proto ,address: ptr dword ,kind:dword 判断正数还是负数还是0
Negation proto ,address: ptr dword ,kind:dword 求相反数
str1 byte "请输入16进制的96位整数的低32位(8个):",0
str2 byte "请输入16进制的96位整数的中32位(8个):",0
str3 byte "请输入16进制的96位整数的高32位(8个):",0
str4 byte "请输入所乘的2的n次方的n值(n>=0):",0
str5 byte "所输入的整数最多乘的2的n,n=",0
i dword 0 记录输入的是正数还是负数
k dword 0 0:0 1:正数 2:负数
j dword 4 记录实际输入的整数位数
ff dword 4 dup(0)
m dword ?-2 n-th power include irvine32.inc IsZero proto address: ptr dword assembly seeking kind: dword determine the positive or negative or 0 Negation proto address: ptr dword kind: dword seeking the opposite number of data str1 byte " Please enter the hexadecimal 96-bit integer low 32 (8): " , 0 str2 byte" Please enter the hexadecimal 96-bit integer, 32 (8): 0 str3 byte input hexadecimal 96-bit integer 32 (8): " , 0 str4 byte" Please enter the 2 n multiplied the value of n (n> = 0): 0 str5 byte input multiply an integer of up to 2 n, n = 0 i DWORD 0 recording the input is positive or negative k DWORD 0 0:0 1: positive: negative j DWORD 4 recording of actual input integer digits ff dword 4 dup (0) m dword?
include irvine32.inc
IsZero proto ,address: ptr dword ,kind:dword 判断正数还是负数还是0
Negation proto ,address: ptr dword ,kind:dword 求相反数
str1 byte "请输入16进制的96位整数的低32位(8个):",0
str2 byte "请输入16进制的96位整数的中32位(8个):",0
str3 byte "请输入16进制的96位整数的高32位(8个):",0
str4 byte "请输入所乘的2的n次方的n值(n>=0):",0
str5 byte "所输入的整数最多乘的2的n,n=",0
i dword 0 记录输入的是正数还是负数
k dword 0 0:0 1:正数 2:负数
j dword 4 记录实际输入的整数位数
ff dword 4 dup(0)
m dword ?-2 n-th power include irvine32.inc IsZero proto address: ptr dword assembly seeking kind: dword determine the positive or negative or 0 Negation proto address: ptr dword kind: dword seeking the opposite number of data str1 byte " Please enter the hexadecimal 96-bit integer low 32 (8): " , 0 str2 byte" Please enter the hexadecimal 96-bit integer, 32 (8): 0 str3 byte input hexadecimal 96-bit integer 32 (8): " , 0 str4 byte" Please enter the 2 n multiplied the value of n (n> = 0): 0 str5 byte input multiply an integer of up to 2 n, n = 0 i DWORD 0 recording the input is positive or negative k DWORD 0 0:0 1: positive: negative j DWORD 4 recording of actual input integer digits ff dword 4 dup (0) m dword?
2 n power\2的n次方3.rar
2 n power