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编写一个程序,有一个汽车类vehicle,它具有一个需传递参数的构造函数,类中的数据成员包括:车轮个数和车重量,它们放在保护段中;轿车类car是它的公有派生类,其包含当前乘坐人数、最大乘载人数、当前行驶速度、最大行驶速度等数据,有加速、减速功能(加速、减速对应当前行驶速度增加、减少,默认每次变化为1,允许用户根据需要,自己输入每次变化值)等功能函数;卡车类truck是vehicle的私有派生类,它有最大载重量、当前载重量和车高等成员数据,当前载重量的判断等。每个类都有相应的构造函数、析构函数、成员数据的录入、输出、修改等功能。-Write a program, an auto vehicle, it has a constructor need to pass parameters, the data members of the class include: the wheels number and vehicle weight, on the protection segment sedan class car is its public derived class , which contains the current number of passengers, the maximum number of manned by the current running speed, maximum data such as traveling speed, acceleration and deceleration (acceleration, deceleration, corresponding to the current running speed to increase, decrease, by default each time changes to 1, and the need to allow the user to , own input each time changes in value) function function truck class truck private vehicle derived class, it has a maximum load, the higher members of the deadweight and car data, the current deadweight judgment. Each class has a constructor, destructor, member data input, output, modify functions.




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