模拟理发馆内一天的活动,要求输出在一天的营业时间内,到达的顾客人数、顾客在馆内的平均逗留时间和排队等候理发的平均人数以及在营业时间内空椅子的平均数。-Preparation of an event-driven simulation program. Analog Barber museum day activities required output within the business hours of the day, the number of customers arriving customers waiting in the average length of stay of the museum and queuing Barber average number and the average number of the empty chair business hours.
模拟理发馆内一天的活动,要求输出在一天的营业时间内,到达的顾客人数、顾客在馆内的平均逗留时间和排队等候理发的平均人数以及在营业时间内空椅子的平均数。-Preparation of an event-driven simulation program. Analog Barber museum day activities required output within the business hours of the day, the number of customers arriving customers waiting in the average length of stay of the museum and queuing Barber average number and the average number of the empty chair business hours.
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