- 所属分类:
- Internet/网络编程
- 资源属性:
- [MacOS] [C/C++] [源码]
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 104kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- 林*
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
tcpcopy是一种应用请求复制(基于tcp的packets)工具,其应用领域较广,我们曾经应用于网易的广告投放系统,urs系统,nginx hmux协议开发等系统,避免了上线带来的很多问题。 总体说来,tcpcopy主要有如下功能: 1)分布式压力测试工具,利用在线数据,可以测试系统能够承受的压力大小(远比ab压力测试工具真实地多),也可以提前发现一些bug 2)对于后端的短连接,请求丢失率非常低(1/10万),可以应用于热备份 3)普通上线测试,可以发现新系统是否稳定,提前发现上线过程中会出现的诸多问题,让开发者有信心上线 4)对比试验,同样请求,针对不同或不同版本程序,可以做性能对比等试验 5)利用多种手段,构造无限在线压力,满足中小网站压力测试要求 6)实战演习(架构师必备) tcpcopy可以用于实时和离线回放领域,并且tcpcopy支持mysql协议的复制,开源一年以来,功能上越来越完善。 如果你对上线没有信心,如果你的单元测试不够充分,如果你对新系统不够有把握,如果你对未来的请求压力无法预测,tcpcopy可以帮助你解决上述难题。- tcpcopy It is an online TCP duplication tool and can be used for testing (using netlink and raw sockets). Descr iption: It can help you find bugs without deploying your server software on your production servers.It can also be used to do smoke testing against your products. For example, when you want to migrate your web server from Apache to Nginx, tcpcopy can help you test it. Apache is running online, while tcpcopy can copy the TCP flows from Apache to Nginx. To Nginx, the TCP flows are just forwarding to it. This will not affect Apache at all except cost a little network bandwidth and CPU load. Scenarios: 1) Distributed stress testing Use tcpcopy to copy real-world data to stress test your server software. Bugs that only can be produced in high-stress situations can be found. 2) Hot backup It is very suitable for backup tasks if connections are short-lived. The request loss ratio is quite low (e.g. 0.00001). 3) Online testing Prove