-Using vhdl language design traffic lights. By a main road and a branch roads converge into a crossroads, and at each entrance red, green, yellow and white signal lights, red light is closed to traffic, the green light to allow passage of yellow light time to stop moving vehicles forbidden line outside the line. Main road is often state that permits travel only allow the car to pass through the main and branch roads have car, alternating between the two to allow passage, the main and branch roads each release time shall not be less in the 30S branch roads in each 4S yellow light, brighter green light to red light conversion process as a transition.
-Using vhdl language design traffic lights. By a main road and a branch roads converge into a crossroads, and at each entrance red, green, yellow and white signal lights, red light is closed to traffic, the green light to allow passage of yellow light time to stop moving vehicles forbidden line outside the line. Main road is often state that permits travel only allow the car to pass through the main and branch roads have car, alternating between the two to allow passage, the main and branch roads each release time shall not be less in the 30S branch roads in each 4S yellow light, brighter green light to red light conversion process as a transition.
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