对极大整数做因数分解的难度决定了RSA算法的可靠性。换言之,对一极大整数做因数分解愈困难,RSA算法愈可靠。尽管如此,只有一些RSA算法的变种[来源请求]被证明为其安全性依赖于因数分解。假如有人找到一种快速因数分解的算法的话,那么用RSA加密的信息的可靠性就肯定会极度下降。但找到这样的算法的可能性是非常小的。今天只有短的RSA钥匙才可能被强力方式解破。到2008年为止,世界上还没有任何可靠的攻击RSA算法的方式。只要其钥匙的长度足够长,用RSA加密的信息实际上是不能被解破的。但在分布式计算和量子计算机理论日趋成熟的今天,RSA加密安全性受到了挑战。-The greatly integer factorization difficulty determines the reliability of the RSA algorithm. In other words, the maximum integer factorization is the more difficult RSA algorithm is more reliable. Nevertheless, only some variant of the RSA algorithm [citation needed] proved its security depends on the factorization. If someone finds a fast factorization algorithms, so the reliability of the information used RSA encryption will certainly extreme decline. But found the possibility of such an algorithm is very small. Today only short RSA keys to be a powerful way cracked. Until 2008, the world' s no reliable way to attack the RSA algorithm. As long as the length of the key is long enough, with the RSA encryption information is actually not be cracked. But in today' s distributed computing and quantum computer theory matures, RSA encryption security has been challenged.