压缩感知理论中与Lp范数相关的几篇论文文献以及自己的推导,供读者参考。-In compressed sensing theory, several reference papers related to the Lp norm as well as my personal derivations for readers.
Least Squares Optimization with L1-Norm Regularization.pdf
Wiring Diagnostics via L1 regularized least squres_1043 (Schuet).pdf
Feb.12Trans'Audio_Multi-channel L1 regularized convex speech enhancement model and fast computation by the spit bregman method.pdf
L1 regularized room modeling with compact microphone arrays.pdf
Jul12_Lp-norm regularized LS for compressive sensing_Xin.pdf
Wiring Diagnostics via L1 regularized least squres_1043 (Schuet).pdf
Feb.12Trans'Audio_Multi-channel L1 regularized convex speech enhancement model and fast computation by the spit bregman method.pdf
L1 regularized room modeling with compact microphone arrays.pdf
Jul12_Lp-norm regularized LS for compressive sensing_Xin.pdf