在这一节中就采用opencv自带的一个EM sample来学习下opencv中EM 算法类的使用,顺便也体验下EM 算法的实际应用。
可以参考本篇博客来学习:http://www.cnblogs.com/tornadomeet/archive/2012/07/16/2592953.html-In this section, the opencv comes with an EM sample to learn the use of the EM algorithm under opencv class, by the way, experience under the practical application of the EM algorithm. Environment: Ubuntu12.04+Qt4.8.2+QtCreator2.5+opencv2.4.2 here need to use two class EM algorithm, namely CvEM and CvEMParams two classes in opencv2.4.2 into the legacy file folder shows soon will be eliminated, because in future versions of opencv Algorithm this public class unified interface. However, use of CvEM and CvEMParams its similar, and familiar with the use of the EM algorithm process. Should be noted that the two classes and to the EM algorithm, but can only solve the GMM problem, more limited. Perhaps this is put the legacy of the reasons. You can reference this blog to learn: http://www.cnblogs.com/tornadomeet/archive/2012/07/16/2592953.html
可以参考本篇博客来学习:http://www.cnblogs.com/tornadomeet/archive/2012/07/16/2592953.html-In this section, the opencv comes with an EM sample to learn the use of the EM algorithm under opencv class, by the way, experience under the practical application of the EM algorithm. Environment: Ubuntu12.04+Qt4.8.2+QtCreator2.5+opencv2.4.2 here need to use two class EM algorithm, namely CvEM and CvEMParams two classes in opencv2.4.2 into the legacy file folder shows soon will be eliminated, because in future versions of opencv Algorithm this public class unified interface. However, use of CvEM and CvEMParams its similar, and familiar with the use of the EM algorithm process. Should be noted that the two classes and to the EM algorithm, but can only solve the GMM problem, more limited. Perhaps this is put the legacy of the reasons. You can reference this blog to learn: http://www.cnblogs.com/tornadomeet/archive/2012/07/16/2592953.html