在美国被禁70年的神秘著作,世界上最富传奇色彩的励志经典。全世界唯一一本因道破创富秘诀被禁的书。世界首富比尔盖茨读此书后弃学从商。这本奇书,由作者在1912年创作出版,当时销售了20多万册,1933年起,它奇迹般的从市场上消失了,原因是很多成功的商人不愿意让更多的人看到此书,而担心更多人因此书而创富。这些商人联合起来,让美国教会查禁了此书。。2003年,本书在美国得到解禁,立刻有数十个版本面世,成为最热门的畅销书。 最有效的财富训练法则,将让你从此告别贫穷,走向富裕!
-THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM, the United States banned the mysterious book of 70 years, the world' s most legendary inspirational classic. The world' s only one banned book speaks of creating wealth secret. Leave school after the world' s richest man, Bill Gates read this book from the supplier. The Masterpieces, published in the 1912 creation by the author, sold over 20 million copies since 1933, it miraculously disappear from the market because a lot of successful businessmen are reluctant to allow more people to see book, more people worry about the book but to create wealth. These businessmen together, so that the U.S. church banned this book. . In 2003, the book in the United States, the lifting of the ban, some 10 versions available immediately, becoming the most popular best-selling book. The most effective training rule of wealth, will allow you to breaking away from poverty to prosperity!
在美国被禁70年的神秘著作,世界上最富传奇色彩的励志经典。全世界唯一一本因道破创富秘诀被禁的书。世界首富比尔盖茨读此书后弃学从商。这本奇书,由作者在1912年创作出版,当时销售了20多万册,1933年起,它奇迹般的从市场上消失了,原因是很多成功的商人不愿意让更多的人看到此书,而担心更多人因此书而创富。这些商人联合起来,让美国教会查禁了此书。。2003年,本书在美国得到解禁,立刻有数十个版本面世,成为最热门的畅销书。 最有效的财富训练法则,将让你从此告别贫穷,走向富裕!
-THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM, the United States banned the mysterious book of 70 years, the world' s most legendary inspirational classic. The world' s only one banned book speaks of creating wealth secret. Leave school after the world' s richest man, Bill Gates read this book from the supplier. The Masterpieces, published in the 1912 creation by the author, sold over 20 million copies since 1933, it miraculously disappear from the market because a lot of successful businessmen are reluctant to allow more people to see book, more people worry about the book but to create wealth. These businessmen together, so that the U.S. church banned this book. . In 2003, the book in the United States, the lifting of the ban, some 10 versions available immediately, becoming the most popular best-selling book. The most effective training rule of wealth, will allow you to breaking away from poverty to prosperity!