Objective-C 是创建 Mac OS X 应用和 iPhone 应用的主要语言,优雅的面向对象编程环境与快速而普及的 C 语言珠联璧合,造就了它的不俗表现。翻开本书你就能感到它的魅力扑面而来。
本书全面而系统地讲述 Objective-C 语言的基础知识和面向对象编程的重要概念,结合实例介绍了 Cocoa 工具包的优秀特性和其中的框架,以及继承、复合、源文件组织、内存管理、对象初始化和类别创建等众多重要的面向对象编程技术。书中还阐述了如何利用 Cocoa 进行数据的保存、检索和操作等。-Objective-C is the main language to create Mac OS X applications and iPhone applications, and elegant object-oriented programming environment perfect match with the fast and popular C language, has created its impressive performance. Open book you can feel its charm blowing. Comprehensive and systematic book about the basics of Objective-C language and the important concepts of object-oriented programming, with examples of the outstanding features of the Cocoa toolkit and fr a mework, and inheritance, complex organization of source files, memory management, object initialization and class to create a number of important object-oriented programming techniques. The book also described how to use Cocoa for data storage, retrieval and operation.
本书全面而系统地讲述 Objective-C 语言的基础知识和面向对象编程的重要概念,结合实例介绍了 Cocoa 工具包的优秀特性和其中的框架,以及继承、复合、源文件组织、内存管理、对象初始化和类别创建等众多重要的面向对象编程技术。书中还阐述了如何利用 Cocoa 进行数据的保存、检索和操作等。-Objective-C is the main language to create Mac OS X applications and iPhone applications, and elegant object-oriented programming environment perfect match with the fast and popular C language, has created its impressive performance. Open book you can feel its charm blowing. Comprehensive and systematic book about the basics of Objective-C language and the important concepts of object-oriented programming, with examples of the outstanding features of the Cocoa toolkit and fr a mework, and inheritance, complex organization of source files, memory management, object initialization and class to create a number of important object-oriented programming techniques. The book also described how to use Cocoa for data storage, retrieval and operation.
Objective-C basic tutorial.pdf