实现自动排队并完成叫号,设置一个排号按键,以及四个柜台用消号按键。当按下叫号键时,1.若队列不满,LCD显示"Your No.is 01!"的字样。2.若队列已排满,LCD显示"The queue is full,please wait"的字样。当按下消号键时,1.若队列无人,LCD显示"Sorry,the queue is empty!"的字样。2.若队列有人,蜂鸣器响,LCD显示如"No.01 come to No.1window,please!"的字样。-Automatic queuing and complete the call, set a Arranging button, and four at the counter with the consumer number keys. When the press called the number key, 1. If the queue is dissatisfied with the LCD display " of Your No.is 01 words. If the queue is full, the LCD display for " The the queue is full, please wait," the words. When you press the extinction number key (1) If the queue no one, LCD display " Sorry, the the queue is empty!" " If the queue was the buzzer, LCD display, such as " No. 01 come to No.1window, please!" "