Program computes the generator polynomial of a RS code. Also performs
encoding and decoding of the RS code or a shortened RS code. Compile
using one of the following options:
In the commands below, using the [-DNO_PRINT] option will ensure that
the program runs without printing a lot of detail that is generally
unnecessary. If the program is compiled without using the option a lot
of detail will be printed. Some other options, for example changing the
probability of symbol error are available by directly editing the program
-Program computes the generator polynomial of a RS code. Also performs
encoding and decoding of the RS code or a shortened RS code. Compile
using one of the following options:
In the commands below, using the [-DNO_PRINT] option will ensure that
the program runs without printing a lot of detail that is generally
unnecessary. If the program is compiled without using the option a lot
of detail will be printed. Some other options, for example changing the
probability of symbol error are available by directly editing the program
encoding and decoding of the RS code or a shortened RS code. Compile
using one of the following options:
In the commands below, using the [-DNO_PRINT] option will ensure that
the program runs without printing a lot of detail that is generally
unnecessary. If the program is compiled without using the option a lot
of detail will be printed. Some other options, for example changing the
probability of symbol error are available by directly editing the program
-Program computes the generator polynomial of a RS code. Also performs
encoding and decoding of the RS code or a shortened RS code. Compile
using one of the following options:
In the commands below, using the [-DNO_PRINT] option will ensure that
the program runs without printing a lot of detail that is generally
unnecessary. If the program is compiled without using the option a lot
of detail will be printed. Some other options, for example changing the
probability of symbol error are available by directly editing the program