Delaunay三角网算法的设计与研究对 DTM 的建立有着重要的作用, 本文在分析已有三角网算法的基础上, 根据逐点插入算法的思想与凸包算法相结合, 提出了自己的算法: 先绘制凸包, 然后构建初始三角网, 最后用 LOP方法整体优化。该算法尽可能的减少了对一条边的优化次数, 从而提高了算法的运行效率-The interference of the cloud no ise affects seriously the interpretation and information extraction of remote sensing miages Based on the miaging mechanism, according to hom om orphic filtering a lgorithm, by using IDL redeve loped language and integ ra
ting it to the ENVIplatform, this paper miplemented automatic detection and removal of haze in remote sensing mi ages Experimental
results show ed that th is process could effective ly rem ove the haze and efficiently miprove the trad itional methods o f miages
(pre processing In addition, it is im proved the qua lity and precision o f the im ages greatly
ting it to the ENVIplatform, this paper miplemented automatic detection and removal of haze in remote sensing mi ages Experimental
results show ed that th is process could effective ly rem ove the haze and efficiently miprove the trad itional methods o f miages
(pre processing In addition, it is im proved the qua lity and precision o f the im ages greatly
Design of D elaunay triangu lation algorithm based on convex hull.pdf