本课程设计的目的是设计一个学生选修课程系统的程序,用来实现对学生成绩的管理,其中包括学生信息的文件读入、添加、查询、保存、删除以及相应的课程信息管理。程序设计了两个类,其中一个包含学生的学号、姓名、选课数以及选修总学分,另一个则包含了课程的信息,包括课程编号、课程名称、课程性质、课时等等。然后通过数组、向量、集合等来实现学生选课信息的记录、保存,删除等相关操作从而达到管理学生选课的。因为这次课程设计,我们可以熟练的使用C++语言来完成一个学生选课管理系统。但是编写过程中难免会遇到错误,希望老师给予指导。-This course is designed to design a student courses system, to realize the process of student achievement management, including the students read the document information query, add, delete, preservation, and the corresponding course information management. The program design, one of the two classes include name, student id, students and the total credits elective courses, another includes a course information, including curriculum Numbers, name, course nature, class, etc. Then through the array, vector, set to realize students course information as the record, preservation, delete the related operation and management course of students. Because the course design, we can use the c++ language proficiency to complete a student course management system. But the writing process will inevitably meet wrong, hope the teacher give guidance.