MAKELATT Create lattice
L = MAKELATT(KIND,PTS,DIM) makes desired kind of dim-dimensional
finite lattice that consists of pts elements. Available designs are
listed in the table below. All the generated lattices are
geometrically uniform. The lattice points are chosen from the origin
to higher shells. Sometimes its usefull to generate lattices from the
number of one dimensional pattern side i.e. PTS = DIM ^ SIDE.
Table of available designs
Design | Dimension | KIND
Zn | n>=1 | Z
An | n>=1 | A
Dn | n>=3 | D
Hexagonal | n=2 | Hex
fcc | n=3 | fcc - MAKELATT Create lattice
L = MAKELATT(KIND,PTS,DIM) makes desired kind of dim-dimensional
finite lattice that consists of pts elements. Available designs are
listed in the table below. All the generated lattices are
geometrically uniform. The lattice points are chosen from the origin
to higher shells. Sometimes its usefull to generate lattices from the
number of one dimensional pattern side i.e. PTS = DIM ^ SIDE.
Table of available designs
Design | Dimension | KIND
Zn | n>=1 | Z
An | n>=1 | A
Dn | n>=3 | D
Hexagonal | n=2 | Hex
fcc | n=3 | fcc
L = MAKELATT(KIND,PTS,DIM) makes desired kind of dim-dimensional
finite lattice that consists of pts elements. Available designs are
listed in the table below. All the generated lattices are
geometrically uniform. The lattice points are chosen from the origin
to higher shells. Sometimes its usefull to generate lattices from the
number of one dimensional pattern side i.e. PTS = DIM ^ SIDE.
Table of available designs
Design | Dimension | KIND
Zn | n>=1 | Z
An | n>=1 | A
Dn | n>=3 | D
Hexagonal | n=2 | Hex
fcc | n=3 | fcc - MAKELATT Create lattice
L = MAKELATT(KIND,PTS,DIM) makes desired kind of dim-dimensional
finite lattice that consists of pts elements. Available designs are
listed in the table below. All the generated lattices are
geometrically uniform. The lattice points are chosen from the origin
to higher shells. Sometimes its usefull to generate lattices from the
number of one dimensional pattern side i.e. PTS = DIM ^ SIDE.
Table of available designs
Design | Dimension | KIND
Zn | n>=1 | Z
An | n>=1 | A
Dn | n>=3 | D
Hexagonal | n=2 | Hex
fcc | n=3 | fcc