1. For the VHDL model given below (Code List One), compare the FIFOs implementations on CPLD and FPGA.
(1) Synthesize and verify (simulate) the VHDL design of the FIFOs
(2) For CPLD implementation (fit) of the FIFOs, how many MCs (macrocells) and PTs (product terms) are needed? Which parameter is critical to the maximum internal clock working frequency? Try to find out this critical parameter and its corresponding circuit path.
(3) For FPGA implementation (place and route) of the FIFOs, how many LBs (logic blocks)? Which parameter is critical to the maximum internal clock working frequency? Try to find out this critical parameter and its corresponding circuit path.
(4) Try to synthesize again the design with timing constraints and compare with its former counterparts. You will create the timing constraint file by yourself and add it to your project. Please refer to the following graphic interface of ISE:
(1) Synthesize and verify (simulate) the VHDL design of the FIFOs
(2) For CPLD implementation (fit) of the FIFOs, how many MCs (macrocells) and PTs (product terms) are needed? Which parameter is critical to the maximum internal clock working frequency? Try to find out this critical parameter and its corresponding circuit path.
(3) For FPGA implementation (place and route) of the FIFOs, how many LBs (logic blocks)? Which parameter is critical to the maximum internal clock working frequency? Try to find out this critical parameter and its corresponding circuit path.
(4) Try to synthesize again the design with timing constraints and compare with its former counterparts. You will create the timing constraint file by yourself and add it to your project. Please refer to the following graphic interface of ISE: