一个VC++ 网络入侵检测模块及程序代码,源代码完整,包括所需控件都在压缩包内,用VC编写网络软件的时候用得上。
CMainfr a me* p_fr a me //保持筐架类的指针
CEdit* m_pEdit //保存编辑框类的指针
CListCtrl* m_pList //保存列表类的指针
CTreeCtrl* m_pTree //保存树型控件的指针
CComboBox* m_pComboBox //保存组合筐的指针
ip_header* m_pih //ip头 保存最后一次分析的数据包的ip头
tcp_header* m_ptcph //tcp头 保存最后一次分析的数据包的tcp头
udp_header* m_pudph //udp头 保存最后一次分析的数据包的udp头-A VC network intrusion detection module and program code, complete source code, including the necessary controls are in the compressed package, prepared by VC when the lingua franca of network software.
CMainfr a me* p_fr a me // pointer to keep basket racks
CEdit* m_pEdit // Save pointer to edit box type
CListCtrl* m_pList // save the pointer to the class list
CTreeCtrl* m_pTree // save the pointer to the control tree
CComboBox* m_pComboBox // save pointer combination basket
The following member variable holds the last analysis, all data packets
ip_header* m_pih // ip header to save the last analysis the ip packet header
tcp_header* m_ptcph // tcp header to save the last analysis of the tcp packet header
udp_header* m_pudph // udp header to save the last analysis the udp packet header
CMainfr a me* p_fr a me //保持筐架类的指针
CEdit* m_pEdit //保存编辑框类的指针
CListCtrl* m_pList //保存列表类的指针
CTreeCtrl* m_pTree //保存树型控件的指针
CComboBox* m_pComboBox //保存组合筐的指针
ip_header* m_pih //ip头 保存最后一次分析的数据包的ip头
tcp_header* m_ptcph //tcp头 保存最后一次分析的数据包的tcp头
udp_header* m_pudph //udp头 保存最后一次分析的数据包的udp头-A VC network intrusion detection module and program code, complete source code, including the necessary controls are in the compressed package, prepared by VC when the lingua franca of network software.
CMainfr a me* p_fr a me // pointer to keep basket racks
CEdit* m_pEdit // Save pointer to edit box type
CListCtrl* m_pList // save the pointer to the class list
CTreeCtrl* m_pTree // save the pointer to the control tree
CComboBox* m_pComboBox // save pointer combination basket
The following member variable holds the last analysis, all data packets
ip_header* m_pih // ip header to save the last analysis the ip packet header
tcp_header* m_ptcph // tcp header to save the last analysis of the tcp packet header
udp_header* m_pudph // udp header to save the last analysis the udp packet header
....\................\....\...\FauxS-X (Green) Write Document.ico
....\................\....\...\Platinum Shortcut Overlay.ico
....\................\....\...\Program Update.ico
....\................\....\...\System Information File ---.ico
....\................\....\...\FauxS-X (Green) Write Document.ico
....\................\....\...\Platinum Shortcut Overlay.ico
....\................\....\...\Program Update.ico
....\................\....\...\System Information File ---.ico