本文是我经过一天一夜完成的,不同于一般网上文章,除详细的将整个配置过程和 测试过程都详细截图说明外,尤其在FastCGI方面采用微软的“web平台安装程序”来配置,网上相关内容很少,对gzip的设置也很详细,保证按图操 作即可独立完成。另外,还有详细的测试gzip压缩率的方法和比较。
文中对于理论几乎没有阐述,只是对配置过程进行了最详细的介绍,这样 使新手即使不太明白,照本文也可以配置出一样的环境来,本文章的错误及疏漏之处,还请大家指出来,大家在配置中有何问题,我们一起来探讨解决。
本 帖旨在帮助新手快速配置出IIS + FastCGI + PHP5.3 + MySQL5.1 + Gzip环境,高手可以飘过,本文里面图片较多,每步操作均有详细的图片说明,只要照做,均可一次配置成功。
-This is me after a day and night to complete, is different from the general online article, in addition to detailed the configuration process and testing process are detailed screenshots showing, especially in FastCGI using Microsoft s" web platform installation program" to configure, online content rarely, on the gzip settings are also very detailed, guaranteed by the map exercises to complete independence. In addition, there is a detailed test gzip compression ratio method and comparison.The theory of almost no elaborate, only to the configuration is the most detailed, so the novice even don t understand, according to the article can also be configured with the same environment, the present article errors and omissions, please point them out, everybody in the configuration of the question, we discuss together to solve the.This topic is designed to help novice quick configuration of IIS+ FastCGI+ PHP5.3+ MySQL5.1+ Gzip environment, master can float, the inside is more, each operation
文中对于理论几乎没有阐述,只是对配置过程进行了最详细的介绍,这样 使新手即使不太明白,照本文也可以配置出一样的环境来,本文章的错误及疏漏之处,还请大家指出来,大家在配置中有何问题,我们一起来探讨解决。
本 帖旨在帮助新手快速配置出IIS + FastCGI + PHP5.3 + MySQL5.1 + Gzip环境,高手可以飘过,本文里面图片较多,每步操作均有详细的图片说明,只要照做,均可一次配置成功。
-This is me after a day and night to complete, is different from the general online article, in addition to detailed the configuration process and testing process are detailed screenshots showing, especially in FastCGI using Microsoft s" web platform installation program" to configure, online content rarely, on the gzip settings are also very detailed, guaranteed by the map exercises to complete independence. In addition, there is a detailed test gzip compression ratio method and comparison.The theory of almost no elaborate, only to the configuration is the most detailed, so the novice even don t understand, according to the article can also be configured with the same environment, the present article errors and omissions, please point them out, everybody in the configuration of the question, we discuss together to solve the.This topic is designed to help novice quick configuration of IIS+ FastCGI+ PHP5.3+ MySQL5.1+ Gzip environment, master can float, the inside is more, each operation
IIS FastCGI PHP5.3 MySQL5.1 Gzip详细教程.docx