提出一种基于单目CCD摄像机反求系统的三维数据的获取方法,首先对单目CCD摄像机拍摄的单幅图像进行滤波、细化等手段处理得到单像素宽度的激光条纹,然后建立激光条纹上的像素点与空间上的三维点之间一一对应的函数映射,获取物体的外轮廓信息。-Proposes a single-purpose reverse CCD camera system of three-dimensional data acquisition method, first monocular CCD camera captured a single image filtering, thinning and other means to deal with to get a single pixel width of the laser stripe, and then set up the laser bar pattern on the pixel point and three-dimensional space-one correspondence between the mapping function, the outer contours of the object to obtain information.
基于单目CCD摄像机的三维点云数据重建研究 (1).pdf