This function takes the n time domain samples (real or complex)
and finds the psd by taking (fft/n)^2. The two sided spectrum is
produced by shifting the psd The array freq provides the appropriate
frequency values for plotting purposes.
By taking 10*log10(psd/max(psd)) the psd is normalized values beow 60db
are set equal to -60db- This function takes the n time domain samples (real or complex)
and finds the psd by taking (fft/n)^2. The two sided spectrum is
produced by shifting the psd The array freq provides the appropriate
frequency values for plotting purposes.
By taking 10*log10(psd/max(psd)) the psd is normalized values beow 60db
are set equal to -60db
and finds the psd by taking (fft/n)^2. The two sided spectrum is
produced by shifting the psd The array freq provides the appropriate
frequency values for plotting purposes.
By taking 10*log10(psd/max(psd)) the psd is normalized values beow 60db
are set equal to -60db- This function takes the n time domain samples (real or complex)
and finds the psd by taking (fft/n)^2. The two sided spectrum is
produced by shifting the psd The array freq provides the appropriate
frequency values for plotting purposes.
By taking 10*log10(psd/max(psd)) the psd is normalized values beow 60db
are set equal to -60db